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Here comes "everyone" / Das aktuelle Stück von John Moran auf dem At.Tension Festival und

Liebe Freunde der unbequemen Unterhaltung! - Unser Sommer war voller Überraschungen, spannender Begegnungen und Entdeckungen. Nun holen wir für Euch John Moran's "everyone" wieder auf die Bühne - zunächst vom 06. bis 08.September beim wunderbaren At.Tension Theaterfestival in Lärz,, dann am 19.September im Rahmen der 11.Freakstadt im Dresdner Societaetstheater und am 30.Oktober im Wiener Kosmostheater.

The theatre of John Moran takes everything as musical material. Every gesture, sound and word, no matter how small or seemingly trivial, is treated as music. In Everyone, Moran reaches a new level with the incorporation of three dancers. Material comes from the dancers and two live musicians, and their complex and varied interaction with recorded sound. The dancers move and mime with pinpoint accuracy to a recording. The dancers transform with breathtaking fluidity through many sequences building the span of a lifetime and ranging from a new born to an irascible old shopkeeper. Their movements are both articulated by and organised to fit the timings of the backing track. As we see the dancers repeat and swap their sequences and loops with each other, new meanings are derived from the interaction of the different sequences of material, reordered and presented anew, each ending a new beginning. In the words of John Cage, ‘Each act is virgin. Even the repeated act.’ Indeed the loops of this dazzling and complex score drive the story of the greatest loop of all, the cycle from birth to death, the loop of Everyone.

Kompostion, Choreografie: John Moran

Performer: Kristin Mente, Yamile Navarro/Chiara Detscher, Jule Oeft/Shahab Anousha

Live-Musikerinnen: Constanze Friedel, Marieluise Herrmann

Lichtdesign, Technische Leitung: Josia Werth

Soundmixing: Nikolaus Woernle

Eine Produktion von Cie. Freaks und Fremde in Kooperation mit Schauspiel Leipzig / RESIDENZ und HELLERAU, dem Europäischen Zentrum der Künste in Dresden. Gefördert durch die Landeshauptstadt Dresden und die Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen.

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